8/4/2021 One SOWS, one SEWS, one waters, and one reaps. More spiritual warfare, cries for world peaceRead Now Hello, laborers in the Vineyard..... Don't interpret my silence for nothin' happ'nin'.......Au contraire. So much happ'nin' I can't focus! We never know our roles. Our greatest ministry is to God.....& our greatest ministry to God is just "being". Our right being yields right doing. We just "are" &.....WHHHHOOSH.....the Wind of the Spirit blows through us & glorious things just happen. 1 Corinthians 3:6/John 4:34-38. The gym is my mission field, where I recently saw a man who looked like he was from the "a" country. I'd never met him before. He was in a conversation, so I acted busy on my phone at a distance. Hungry from swimming, I suddenly felt extreme nausea. (I've occasionally had minor nausea from hunger, but never actually gotten sick.....but VERY close this time.) Suspecting a spiritual attack, I rushed outside to find the nearest bush while praying, "Jesus, please lift this from me so I can talk to him." It immediately left! I went back inside, introduced myself & had a conversation w/him! I surmised that satan was messing w/my physical hunger because the man was spiritually hungry. I visited him & his family in his home last Sunday. Within 30 mins, w/o any suggestion or prompting, he mentioned meeting 2 believers in the country which had hosted him as a refugee....These men were both fluent in his language. He respects Christians & has been to Church a few times. He'd said he'd given up trying to read the English Bible that he had. He accepted my offer of a Bible in his language, so I ran home to get it for him. Had to order some more as it was my last one! You can say that the meeting at the gym turned out to be a true "gut feeling". Nyuk nyuk nyuk! It also turns out that his wife interprets for a sewing circle hosted by another ministry! The woman who leads that ministry & her husband had been workers on a foreign field w/their denomination yrs ago but now do this in their golden yrs. Ya just never know who sows, sews, reaps or harvests! So.....I visited that missional couple today so I could report what had transpired. They told me about another Vineyard worker in another city. My new friend & his family had been ministered to by a pastor of quite a diff denomination while living there! --------------------------------------------------- Its worth noting that the man was very frank about the fact that the rebel groups will end up having complete control of his homeland. When I hear these people talk, I'm ashamed of myself because I confess that I love the world too much. 1 John 2:15. "Lord, just wait a bit longer....I've never married & want to. I'd like to do a lot more traveling. I'd like this & want that....." Fill in the blank. But there really is too much suffering to focus on ourselves, right? I feel so selfish. Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Smash our idols!!!! By God's Grace, I'm doing better than I was before Covid. I may be a child of the King, but I'm also still a royal mess. I am His workmanship (Ephesians 2:10) but I'm still a piece of work! Our greatest service will be when we praise Him eternally & perfectly in Glory. It's more about being than doing. --------------------------------------------------- Conversely, humanism gives the false hope of human efforts. We now scoff at how the 1st World War was to be the "war to end all wars"......or do we? Many presume that utopia is in reach & humanity can pull "it" together.....whatever "it" is. When I was a young kid, Coca Cola used this obnoxious song & made it famous. It sounds so nice but makes no mention of God, presuming that "I" can fix things. This is only to demonstrate how such a popular & seemingly innocent song can be so demonic. I'm not a prophecy freak, but our planet is probably about to go into its final days & will fall for antichrist. .......For the increase of divine encounters, gut feelings and HIS real peace among the nations.....
Just another witness to His Glory! Comments are closed.
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