9/4/2022 The aerialist bro----in the tradition of Harold Lloyd....(This pic should go viral. Seriously). Small beginnings yield big surprises.Read Now Hello, friends..... On 3/26, 4 friends & I launched our 1st English class in the home of a family out of whose tribe rose the insurgent organization. Obviously, there was a special hatred for that organization as the patriarch fought in the resistance. He's forged from 1001% pure grit. After a partial leg amputation & prosthetic, he was back on the field, facing the enemy again! Had they been caught, they'd have been slaughtered. One of his many other health issues was an abscessed tooth, leaving his left cheek throbbing in swollen pain. 1 of our friends mentioned a dentist who'd "likely extract it for a nominal fee". Taking this hero to his appointment was a high honor. We got that sucker yanked 2-3 days before the season of the fast, making that time more bearable, I'm sure. Soon afterwards, some folks from another ministry asked on a zoom if anyone knew a dentist. The good doctor now does 2 procedures weekly for an 80% discount! The ministry schedules everything & pays the balance! A friend whom I'd only met 2 wks prior also joined us. His nickname is Aerialist Bro....or "AB"....(I'll explain). A cousin of the family (whom I will call M) was there that day & became our liaison. AB & I texted M, offering to buy him dinner so he could tell us how we could best serve them. A few days later, M was apparently unaware that he was on the group text when he asked me, “Would you ask AB if my family could move into his house?” I replied, “You’ll have to ask him”. I texted AB, “I did not put him up to this!”. He later called to say, “I’m actually praying about it.” Wow! He'd already bought another house & contracted to sell to a fellow Church member, who, in turn, gladly released him! 4 other profound confirmations! Then M's family of 6 moved in! Despite minimal previous exposure to people from "that other Abrahamic religion" & a rural childhood, AB is a DUCK TO WATER. No missteps to my knowledge. God is moving in amazing ways. One of his fellow Church members comes to his house & teaches English to the ladies 2-3 times per wk! She wears a long dresses & a head covering, so she's seen as their "American sister". They've already initiated spiritual q's. Pray for her as she navigates! AB has also never made any "missteps" while doing home maintenance! (I don't know why he didn't just use the "tight rope" which was already available right underneath his feet. Seems far more practical than messing w/a ladder!!!!) ^ He's taken up the mantle of & been coronated the new Harold Lloyd, (the renowned stuntman of yesteryear). After numerous requests, he agreed to teach a class he’s calling, “Keeping dry feet whilst running Aquatic Marathons”. (Matt. 14:22-33). In the fine tradition of St. Peter, we start next Saturday by taking baby steps across the river! In many ways, he's living up to the reputation of the aforementioned metaphorical duck!!! QUAAAAAAAACK!!!! LOLOL ^ Harold Lloyd: A Romanian friend also joined us that day. I told him, "Not important that English isn't your 1st language. You speak way better English than they do." A special brotherhood has formed as they resonate in their past & current hardships. He lives about 50 miles away on a farm & we're invited for a big day in the country! We will slaughter & roast 1 of his sheep & have a potluck on Oct. 1. On a subsequent visit, we went over to teach & the patriarch had enough bureaucratic disability paperwork strewn out on the floor to make the avg. American scream. (No furniture...we sit w/them on the floor on pillows.) Oh well, Providence struck again! A lawyer friend who just so happens to be on our team was there & knew just what to do. Contrary to public opinion, not all lawyers are liars, but it's hilarious because when people from the A country mispronounce lawyer, they say "liar". "Do you know any immigration 'liars?'". LOLOL. He's also handling a situation w/the federal gov't., which claims that another former soldier "owes" them $21K. This man regularly received checks from America for his service in his country. Soon after arriving, he was notified that our gov't. made a "mistake" in sending that money during Covid!!! Another Christian lawyer friend has teamed up w/him to help!
(If anyone can offer any kind of pro bono services for these folks, let me know.....) And we need English teachers! For more English classes, more Providence, more OSHA agents....., Just another witness to His Glory. Comments are closed.
AuthorThis is a ministry that is dedicated to sharing news and information from around the world in a compelling blog. Archives
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