Greetin's 'n' salutations to all! Romans 11:11 mentions Israel being made envious by the Gentiles coming into the Kingdom. Something similar currently seems afoot as the most unlikely are upstaging every status quo. Unlikely characters are replacing lukewarm & apostate Western leaders. More than in its entire existence, major movements have been leaving "that other Abrahamic faith" which I avoid naming directly. As the Western Church recedes, the Church in other places grows......I call this "the 11:11 Principle". I'd love to saturate the believing Western Church w/this concept. We seem on the cusp of a Church movement among "a" people. We're facilitating 3 separate Discovery Bible Studies w/seekers who came by divine appointment. 2 were already definitely believers. Unprompted, the 3d recently declared himself a Christian in my home but lacks a lot of understanding. He's like Cornelius in Acts 10:1-8. In vs. 4, Cornelius is generous to the poor. My friend (whom I'll also call "Cornelius"), likewise proved his generosity as he housed & fed a new refugee for a month---inspired by various American Christians who‘d helped him. This paradigm shift, along w/the Perspectives class, has radicalized me & reordered my giving habits. The day before an anti-democratic movement took over his country, "Cornelius" was nearly broke & his brother had no food. I volunteered $100. Although difficult, he doubled it & wired $200...enough for 2 months. Cornelius' bro & his wife became refugees in a country next door & they were saved last summer....(I sent baptism pics recently w/faces obscured.) They're now being discipled in a Church! That was the best $100 I’ve ever spent! My "tithes & offerings" now supports them. Seeds for a local Church that is about to bloom........Another friend is very angry w/‘’the rich oil guys’’ in his faith because they hoard their $ while millions of recent earthquake victims in his country remain in dire need. Christian generosity gets broad circulation in their spheres. Let’s open our s & wallets!.......Cornelius said that his bro had vowed to repay me ASAP. I told him, "Repay me by never forgetting the friends you'll leave behind until they're also safe”. When God blesses you, be generous to the needy & seek multiplication opps. (Matt. 14:13-21). It's the Starbucks drive-through thing writ large. Pay for the guy in back of you & spread Kingdom vision. May I recommend 2 more Kingdom buck bangs?.....There's a local Crisis Pregnancy Center which often gets matching grants, sometimes up to 5X ! (Because of the nature of this website, I'm trying to maintain not only personal anonymity but also endeavoring to identify the city I'm in....So, if you know me & are interested in knowing more, contact me for details.) Also, Bible Broadcasting Network, which has 147 American radio stations, approx. 100 Spanish stations & internet in 8 languages. $11 mil. annual budget....150 full timers. These are the kinds of causes I now support as I'm convinced that we won't have our buildings for long.....but we'll also be out on the highways & byways where we've not been present enough. Just as home is the new workplace, the future Church will be based. Wouldn't it be great if some of these empty buildings became centers of service? Where there is a lack of vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18. For years, most of Global North Anglicanism & its American sister, the Episcopal church, has lost that vision & been plauged by extreme liberalism as the Global South leads by example. There are even acting Anglican clergy in the UK who are ATHEISTS! I'm all giddy about the video below...... At the risk of overkill, below is a screenshot from the site of an apostate ''church''. At least they're honest about how they prioritize "loving God". For Romans 11:11, buck bangs & the nations.... ........Just another witness to His Glory |
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