12/27/2023 Dealing w/post Christmas blues, Saint Nick the boxer & how this all relates to Kwanzaa.....Oh yeah....& that Incarnation thing.....Read Now Greet'n's 'n' salutations from Branta-Claus, everyone!!!!! 1st things 1st, lemme indulge in my 2 stupid "Christmas" "trads", although belated.....1) Santa Claus says, "Ho, Ho, Ho. But, Branta-Claus says No, No, No!" Just gotta say that every yr! 2) And here’s that silly sweater again! You may ask, "Why are u so hard on the old guy?".....Because Santa's the REAL grinch who's trying to steal the show. BUT!!! I just heard something about the real St. Nick that made me chuckle. Church trad says that he slapped Arius the Heretic at the Council of Nicea in 325.....Nice-uh? Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk! True or not, I think Santa needs a makeover! Me thinks he should park his sleigh, sell his reindeer, hang up that dumb red coat & put on some boxing gloves! Time for some new trads! More on the Incarnation in a bit, but Branta-Claus isn't done w/his “b-rant”. Most scoff at Kwanzaa. It’s just a Black Panther's contrived cultural patchwork forged from a hatred of whites. Kwanzaa words are all from East African Swahili, but African American heritage is West African. Kwanzaa also appropriates & repurposes Jewish menorahs....but that's no flakier than what the Europeans did. They turned Roman Saturnalia into “Christmas” & highjacked the JEWISH story of the Incarnation into a European narrative....(that's why Christianity is widely seen as the "white man's religion"). Jesus is no more Euro than He's Martian. He was Jewish!!! Christmas trees. Nog. Yuletide. Mistletoe. The rotund & ubiquitous Santa Claus. Blah blah blah....all Northern European concoctions. This is a great video, especially for the post-Christmas blues: https://youtu.be/C-QHbpYjuIg A guaranteed antidote to post-Christmas blues: Don't celebrate in the 1st place if you don't wanna! LOL. Romans 14:5 says it's no doctrinal no-no to just say no to the pressure if you've had enough. No dogma. But too many are held by others' demands for a day which He never even commissioned. Your freedom in Christ lets you choose which trads (or none) to observe. However, if the Lord grew weary of His own divinely appointed feasts (Isaiah 1:14), I doubt that He likes Christmas pop-culture. Make no mistake.....I love Incarnation hymns even in July. And I go to missional Christmas parties....However, God likely uses us most when we INCARNATE on highways & byways, gathering w/non-Christians in THEIR comfort zones. (Matt. 22:9-10) Jesus Christ is the ULTIMATE Incarnation, but we incarnate collectively as the body of Christ! (1 Cor. 12:12-31) THE Incarnation & its resulting corollaries were my deepest reflection in '23. Some of the corollaries I see: 1) The Holy Spirit incarnates through us (1 Cor. 3:16) although our dying bodies can't interact w/a perfect Maker w/o the new birth. Worse yet, our spirits died in Adam & are hostile to God....(Romans 5:6-8).....As we can't do squat to make things right, it's all Divine love incarnating Grace through us.....(Ephesians 2:8-9) & the same kind of Divine love shared inside the Trinity from eternity past. (John 17:21-26).......2) How we reflect the incarnation inside of us via the light of Jesus within us (Matthew 6:22). And in the aforementioned 1 Cor. 12:12-31.....3) The corporate Church (Ephesians 2:19-22) is an incarnation.......4) God's Word is an incarnation as Kings & fishermen alike were among the authors of the 66 Books. When the Spirit moved through their various writing styles, trustworthy documents were rendered. (2 Peter 1:21, 2 Tim. 3:16)......5) Our prayers, when unified w/His Will, (1 John 5:14-15) are the incarnation of God's Spirit on our lips.......6) He incarnates His Divine Will through human history, bringing about His prophetic agenda through obedient people, but also even using the wrath of men to praise Him....(Psalm 76:10)....Speaking of wrath, did you see the wrath of this parliamentarian in the "T country" who recently cursed Israel & keeled over??? Died 2 days later....If you haven't seen this, watch it!.... https://youtu.be/ZT24MDvxHkI?si=knERb5s2hGVCmTXp So, the Incarnation isn't just bound to chronological time, which will come to an end someday. It's all of the above & more. For Romans 14:5, the Incarnation(s) and the nations…….. .......Just another witness to His Glory time in a refugee Church in a S.E. Asian city, where there are actually a total of 2 "A" Churches...5% of the "A" people in that city are Jesus followers! Only a few yrs ago, there were only a few thousand known believers in their home country. We stand on the shoulders of many great people who sacrificed their lives for what we see today. (For the record, I've never even been to their home country)......Something is astir among people who were born into "that other Abrahamic faith" & it's getting the attention of the Western Church. I'm told the world’s largest "I" Church is in Germany, w/2,000 members. The following is the summary of the sermon I simply entitled “11:11”: INTRO: I like easily remembered verses. I want to talk about one of my favorites today, Romans 11:11....one of my main meditations. I’m excited that many of you leave soon but also excited how God will use you! You’ll never forget this verse because you will relate...... Romans 11:11: Again, I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. (NIV) A LITTLE BACKGROUND ABOUT THE BIBLE & ISRAEL: God could’ve revealed Messiah suddenly, but the Bible is unlike other religious texts. The holy book of "that other Abrahamic faith" was written in 30 yrs by one author. The Bible moves slowly….like a relationship….because our God is relational. He chose to tell a detailed tapestry of stories (which only a Sovereign could tell) through 40+ authors over 1,500 yrs in Hebrew, Greek (& a tad of Aramaic). The evidence is internal......So, starting in Genesis, Israel was formed for God’s Glory & producing Messiah. He protected & guided her from external & internal opposition. Rather than humility, this favor inspired pride……Like Joseph, who flaunted his status as the favored son in Genesis 37, they didn’t care about the neighboring nations. JEWISH NATIONALISM: Even in the post-resurrection NT, Jewish believers tended to reject the gentile believers. In Galatians 2, Paul rebukes Peter for being influenced by Jewish pride. A few yrs later, Romans 11:11 shows God navigating their national pride by saving gentiles. HOW THIS APPLIES TO YOU: Similarly, I believe that God has raised you up to not only be a witness among your own people but to also cause jealousy in the Western Church....Don’t be shy! Americans won’t hear me because of the bad testimony from the Western Church. But many will listen to YOU because your stories are fresh…..also because so many Americans think that people from your country tend to be terrorists. CHRISTIANITY IS AN EASTERN FAITH: Remember...the Western Church isn’t your Cornerstone!....JESUS IS! 1 Peter 2:4.....Moreover, the Bible is an Eastern book!.....Christianity is an Eastern faith!....You are Eastern people! Most of you are new believers but I guarantee you have a better understanding of the Bible than most Americans. You haven’t been to seminary……but as people who come from your culture & former religion, you have a more accurate knowledge of ancient Jewish culture because of everyday things you know, such as agriculture, drawing water from wells, circumcision, tribal conflict, washing the dead & the diff between men & women! Also....you grew up actually believing in God! A NEW APOSTOLIC AGE IS UPON US: I’m excited because when you go to nations like Australia, Canada & America, God will powerfully use you!.....Don’t be shy! The Holy Spirit is with & in you! Just like Acts 1:8 all over again, I believe that signs & wonders will happen among you. Like Acts 2:17, I believe that God is about to start His work all over again! TESTIMONY.....A WOMAN FROM YOUR COUNTRY INVITED ME TO CHURCH!: One clear example: On April 10 of last yr, the “I” community had their annual picnic, wrapping up the New Year. Since I was transitioning to serve your community, I almost didn't go. I didn’t expect to meet anyone from your country. My thought was “I can’t do it all & keep up w/both communities!”, but felt God nudging me.....5 minutes after arriving, my language teacher asked, “Would you give a lady from the "a country" a ride on your way home?” I was shocked, because in my city, your people & I people don’t mix......Getting in my car, she immediately pulled a stack of fliers out of her purse, handed me one, & invited me to HER Church for Easter service that next Sunday, clueless that I was a believer!....I asked, “Excuse me, you’re a believer in Jesus?” She nodded “yes”. Two weeks prior, she'd walked past a cross in a cemetery. She’d been experiencing a lot of grief & prayed, “Lord Jesus, please help me.” That very night, He came into her dream & she accepted Him! She’d been attending a Church for a year. Her son had become a Jesus follower in Europe & had encouraged her to find one....As her Church was extremely legalistic, I invited her to the I Church. That didn’t work out as they meet far from her home. So, she started attending an American congregation & was baptized on Easter Sunday this year. Get this: She has partial Jewish ancestry, which dates back to the Babylonian exile! I recently relayed the nutshell of this story to the folks at a Christian conference in which believers from your country meet annually. The folks were blessed & stunned! Then in September, this woman stood & prayed at an event where many from your country were present! So, this is already happening!.....Btw, what I see here in your Church is wonderful. A & I people fellowshipping together in the same language. Ephesians 2:14 THE SHAMBLES OF WESTERN CHRISTIANITY: God isn’t just rescuing you from a refugee status, but sending you all over as Gospel agents & witnesses of His Glory to the shambles of the Western Church....such as the Church of England......The Anglican communion is worldwide. In Africa, India, Southeast Asia etc., the Church is loyal to Jesus. In America, Canada, Australia & England, WHERE ANGLICANISM STARTED, its mostly apostate & a lot like this balloon........Like Israel in Romans 11:11, they became prideful & racist, liberal & even ATHEIST sometimes!......Like this balloon, they became prideful (I blew into it)……& more prideful (blew again)…….& more prideful (blew again). Finally, God said ‘’ICHABOD”. (I let the balloon go & it flew around, hitting the floor. Later, I gave balloons to all the kids.) The believing Anglican Church outside of England recently formed a new alliance & severed ties w/Canterbury, forming GAFCON. It was REALLY satisfying to hear that some of the conservative Churches in Britain & elsewhere left Canterbury to join this movement, now representing 85% of the Anglican communion. IN CLOSING: When you go to the West, you must form alliances w/your bros & sisters in order to survive but pls don’t forget the #1 reason you’re going! God is rebirthing the Western Church through you!!!!!.....Remember: Wherever we go, we are strangers & aliens. This is not our home! 1 Peter 2:11 And never forget: YOU ARE THE 11:11 GENERATION!!! -----------------------------------------
I also visited the lady I hope to marry in another S.E. Asian country. While there, I suggested to the pastor of her Fundamental Baptist Church that we do a youth “map event” at a community center.....After using maps to find a destination, we can find it w/our "heart map". In the same way, the Word of God must be stamped in our hearts. Psalm 119:11. Our 1st meeting was Sunday night & I offered to buy raffle prizes as a gift to the Church. (In lieu of offerings to a local Church, these are the kinds of things I now support.) But, I wanted the Church to get creative & add their own cultural flavor. My only rule: Church kids can only come if they bring an unchurched buddy. In less than 24 hours, we met again. I was VERY INSPIRED! They’d already appointed committees & had everything organized/delegated! BIG cultural difference. They have a sense of community. We have……..politics. 106 kids came, but sadly, I was in the hospital. However, this actually, in an odd way, filled a desire I’d expressed yrs ago while working w/inner city kids......to organize an event & not show up....to let the other adults run the show without me! For the 11:11 generation, our “heart maps” & the nations…….. Just another witness to His Glory. |
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