10/2/2023 Fish jumping in the boat....The Cat is out of the bag and He's the Lion of the Tribe of Judah!Read Now
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Ever seen fishermen get out of da boat to wrestle fish on board? Neither have I. So, why do so many try to badger unbelievers into the Kingdom (on an animal theme today! LOL) & not just let the Spirit do His Work? (1 Corinthians 1:18-31) Usually, fish are attracted by lures & bait but the new normal is that, of late, some are jumping in da boat w/o prompting! (Mark 1:17) Ya gotta see this: It's not advised to invite m people to trad Churches. Lottttta culture shock. Home studies are best when there is interest....but when they self-invite, why not? It's also good for American congregants to watch one morph into the Kingdom from another world view. As insiders, they have much to teach us after coming to Jesus. Although self-inviting, I always select seats where they can sit next to an aisle so they won't feel "trapped". A friend from a country dominated by "that other Abrahamic faith", whom I'll call j (not his real initial), recently said that he'd been visiting Churches! So, I invited him to come w/me to a Church where a friend goes. I'll soon stop going so j can see this Jesus thing as bigger than & w/o me. What if I move? Die? Have a falling out w/him? Fall into sin? It was never about me, anyway! Besides, networking & visiting a lotta Churches was always the plan. As more fish jump on board, they MUST be spread over many congregations.......because when they encounter each other, they stop coming out of fear. Navigating many fishing vessels on this River of Life will be imperative. If they invite family & friends, then great! Let it develop organically! At all costs, we must protect their "Amanats".......(Amanat is a term in the m world describing what's most sacred to a close friend, whether it's a thing, person or secret.) Their religion is the world's largest street gang & secrets are paramount. Know that mere inquiries may get them rejected by their communities. So, let's regard their Amanats.....because m people will tell YOU what they'll NEVER tell the most trusted in their communities. J's bro, a baptised believer whom I'll call n, is a refugee in a country just east of their native land. The lion's share of my giving goes to n & his family. I do believe in financially supporting pastors (1 Cor. 9:14, Gal. 6:6), but don't agree w/the standard rendering of Malachi 3:10, which surmises the "storehouse" to be the NT Church. We're not Israel & pastors don't have grain storehouses. N's wife needed a $1,200 medical procedure & I gave them $600. 3 days later, n texted to say that the embassy of their homeland suddenly opened in their host country & they were able to buy 3 much needed passports at $200 each! (At first I heard $150 but they were $200 each!) No more threat of deportation! Bribes are now pushing that cost to $1,300 each!.......We're called to be the hands, feet & wallets of Jehovah Jireh! In other news, God is also on the move in the life an "a" woman who invited me to HER Church! She evangelized ME the 1st time we met! One of the 10 Days of Prayer took place at a local refugee ministry & this sister prayed for about 5 minutes in the presence of many from her own country! WHOOOOOOOAHHHHH! The Cat is outa da bag & He's the Lion of the Tribe of Judah! Pardon my digression, but I'm in a giddy mood & can't resist the opp to share one of my corny phrases about fishing......"If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. If you teach a man to fish, he'll never go to work". For more fish, less badgers, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah....and the nations...... Just another witness to His Glory Comments are closed.
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