8/15/2024 Found a new drinkin' buddy.....some other "confessions". and kindness that literally killsRead Now HAH!!!! Made YOU look! Nyuk nyuk nyuk! No gimmick is too low.....no gimmick too cheap.....no gimmick too gimmicky....to get ya'll to read my blogs! LOL Now that you've fallen for it, read on..... I always (ok...ALMOST ALWAYS......) pray for God to move before meeting w/friends from that "other Abrahamic religion".....'cause the Oil of the Spirit must fuel the icebreaking....or melting, as it were.....Friendship & presence. Not manipulation or clever arguments. (1 Corinthians 1:26-31) We don't need knucklehead, egghead or airhead theologians & their agendas because our internal radiance beats our yapper to the punch every time if we just chill. The wise theologians of our age would do well to learn that children's Sunday school song...."This Little Light of Mine". And, here it is: So, after swearing me to secrecy, a friend recently divulged a secret.......He drinks wine sometimes.......(but only for his stomach.....or so he says....Ahem.) I'll call him....let's see...uh......I know! How about "V" for vino! Hah! (Not his initial.).....Quite a disclosure for someone w/his heritage but not shocking. I asked, "Did you know those exact words are in the Bible?".....Someone w/at least a modicum of Bible literacy likely told him this. After “confessing” that I'm no Bible scholar, I said, "It's somewhere in 1 Timothy.......Ah yes…..vs. 5:23”.....as I googled. Then, I "confessed" that I, also, drink moderately. It was natural to next ask if he'd ever read the Word. He was interested, so I offered a hardcopy in his language, but he said, “I'd prefer to start w/a Bible app. Can you can send a link?" He now has the app & we plan to study soon! Relaaaaax......no plans to drink socially w/him....as there's legit concern about chemical dependency among these people. Opression has made them vulnerable, as evidenced by rampant heroin addiction in their homeland. Just saying this: Proceed confidently. Folks from that religion are rarely as "holy" as the gruff huff & puff of their PR campaign......And some of them DO puff. Nyuk. The shock factor of such "confessions" receded yrs ago after knowing many students from "that religion" who engaged in the same immorality common among American students. (1 Corinthians 10:13) Confession is a deep human desire.....(James 5:15)....for relief.....& acceptance. Regardless. This forges real relationships. The weight of confidentiality in their culture is amped 100X from our context. Holding a secret gains lifetime friendship. Their cultures are mostly networks of fear & threats while the missional Church is one big relationship thrust by the Power of God, Himself. We're a community of image bearers ornamented w/Spiritual Gifts for which we never petitioned. 1 Cor. 12:8-10. Ok.....gonna go on a b-rant since alcohol is the topic. FYI, I avg. about 1 drink a week, for which I'm scandalous to some. Legalists annoy but far more annoying are those who selfishly exegete "Christian liberty" & ludicrous "rights" from 1 Cor. 8:2-6 to the exclusion of the verses following. Many otherwise mature believers carry on like juveniles w/their 1st beer.....strutting as they role play some sort of legendary rite of passage from fundamentalist "oppression".....whether or not it was personal to them. Rolling my eyes, thinking about the futility of both extremes. Drinking alcohol is no more of an "achievement" than drinking ice tea. I once left a Church because of its permissive alcohol policy. A friend from that “other Abrahamic religion” 25 yrs. my junior attended w/me for 3.5 yrs. Forming many friendships w/people his age, he hung out mostly w/them. It all came out one day. He was disgusted after seeing drunk Christians several times. The final straw for me, too. I informed the entire staff by email that "I won't remain where my ministry isn't honored". This, after my pleading in vain w/the pastor to form a dry home group so these friends could come to a Bible study. By the Grace of God, the policy has changed in that Church! .........Ah, yes......Mission.....Isn't that why we're here? But not enough hands are on deck (& as noted, some are in the way).....The stark reality of this lack was distilled once more in a recent study at a Church I visited. They were examining the oft-overlooked Book of Nehemiah....I'd never noticed before, but EVERYONE in chapter 3........from the high priest in vs 1 to avg. people....as in vs. 13....was involved in rebuilding the Jerusalem wall. Pls read it! EVERY.....I SAID EVERY ministry is hurting for volunteers! Most believers aren't doing ANY Kingdom service......And sometimes, it feels like the Mormons are eclipsing the good works of all evangelical Churches combined. It's equally impressive & disheartening to see all that the local LDS community is doing for our refugee friends. The CEO of a secular agency said that the local LDS community had distributed $100K worth of food! And their English classes are bursting at the seams!.....It's already devastating that Mormons believe that the 3 Divine Members of the Trinity are 3 separate gods w/independent wills. But it becomes much worse if they ever tell people from "that other Abrahamic religion" what they REALLY believe!.....Because Christianity is already misunderstood by them to be polytheistic.......YIKES!!!!! Mormons confirm this misunderstanding in their minds! Mormons are extraordinarily kind but are killing people w/kindness (spiritually).....literally! We must do better. Below is a song they teach their children....... For seizing contextual moments, moderation in all things and more Gospel workers...... Just another witness to His Glory! 7/4/2024 From relinquishment to rebirth……How to recycle dreams (and compassion)....What "mercy-cution" looks like!Read Now Well, hiya there, you, you and you! Got the most bless-edest news for y'all!! In the 2d half of the 5/16/24 blog, I mentioned how, on Sun, May 12, a group of us prayed w/"R"....& together, renounced his former religion. He'd experienced trauma yrs ago & was having nightmares after reading the Word before bed. Well, my friends.....the following Thur. morning, he called w/a WOW testimony of a GOOD dream!!! Yayyyyy! While watching a large army of men on horseback fighting w/swords, a " STRONG MAN" rode up on a horse & asked what he was doing. He said, "Just trying to keep my distance." The strong man said, "I AM JESUS. Get on my horse.".....R was stunned....."You're Jesus?????? Really????" He said "yes" & REACHED DOWN, pulling R up onto da saddle of GRACE!!! Then, he woke up in tears of joy! His wife attentively listened to his story....He told his sister, who lives in their homeland. She was angry that he'd left their religion but is over it! Pray for these two ladies! WOWOWOWOW! Ain't that JUST like our God? He reaches down because we can't climb up!!! Psalm 18:16. Many from "that other Abrahamic religion" are having such dreams. Ahem....uh....& yeah....May 19 was Pentecost Sunday! (Joel 2:28-29, Acts 2:16-18) I told him that his exp. w/Jesus exceeded anything the rest of us had ever known although we'd been believers for many yrs.....that his intimate exp. was deeper than ALL of our head knowledge. I confirmed w/the others, "Ever had a dream like THAT?".......I joked w/him that I was jealous. "I WANT A DREAM, TOO!!!" LOL......I now kinda understand the curiosity of angels, as portrayed at the end of 1 Peter 1:12. They'll never personally exp. the beauty of redemption. And, this side of heaven, we'll never exp. R's unique ecstasy of redemption from such grief. ……The Lord showed me that these folks have traumatized souls, just like those who've had severe head trauma. Yrs ago, a friend got a severe injury from driving into a brick wall. While visiting him the next day in the hospital, his mom said that the doc had insisted all visitors commit to a daily routine or stay away....as consistency was part of his therapy....Similarly, routine contact over time w/the Fruit of the Spirit via believers heals the traumatized soul. Simply the power of presence. And the Power of the Presence of the Holy Spirit in us. More is caught than taught....& many will initiate in their own time. No need to panic. (John 18:9) So, nobody's a "hard nut to crack" if the Spirit woos them. (Acts 9:1-19) We need to "Be still & know that I am God". (Ps. 46:10) "He WILL be exalted among the nations". We just need to show up. After persecution, they need "mercy-cution" from the Church for the renewing of their minds! Although a bit out of context, Romans 12:2 may apply here. This song by Petra has become a personal anthem. "Beyond Belief" will PUMP YOU UP!!! Sometimes I just listen over & over like some of your kids used to listen to songs by Barney the Dinosaur, Cocomelon, Sesame Street....or WHAT-EVER! HAH! Let's go to even higher places! Most Americans resist Jesus because they've never seen the Church live out Micah 6:8. We've not been "letting our light shine before others". (Matt 5:16). Gospel engagement is hard. But they WILL listen to stories about dreams. Over breakfast, I got the ear of a thoughtful but very secular friend when I told him R's dream. He's not hostile to faith but he doesn't really believe the Bible. However, he'd NEVER deny a man's dream. He had to leave for work but wants to hear more!....Pls bear w/another story while "the tangent king" is ranting: I'm a city boy. I know that hipster urbanites eat up stories of humanitarian work because they're masters of vicarious empathy & recognize mercy.....A friendly acquaintance has zero interest in my Jesus or His Book but respects my work. She's proud of her abortion & her interest in extreme sexual perversion (fortunately, she's spared me the details). Sympathetic to vandalism in the name of social change & sympathetic towards the gay/trans community, she's a real piece of work. I tolerate her crass topics of conversation because her sheer honesty often moves our conversation effortlessly into topics of spiritual import. Moreover, my radical anti-establishment approach to doing Church seems to have also opened her ears & heart. After 3 yrs, I recently asked if she'd be open to reading a book written by apologist Abdu Murray, who came out of "that other Abrahamic religion". I was elated when she accepted a copy of "More Than a White Man's Religion: Why the Gospel Has Never Been Merely White, Male-Centered, or Just Another Religion"......Also went to a class reunion recently. (I was a real piece of work in H.S.) Had the opp to tell some of my classmates how God is working through me in what is essentially my "job". Many were stunned at how God had transformed me...... Friends, I believe that God is using stories of their dreams & how we serve to wake pagan America up!......In the same way that the Jews were made jealous by the newly saved Gentiles in Romans 11:11, I assert that the spiritually dead West will be made jealous by people like R! I call this "The 11:11 Principle". 9/11 inspired a brief repentance but I believe the coming revival will be deeper! For recycling whatever God gives us, the "mercy-cution" of all and the nations..... ........Just another witness to His Glory! 5/16/2024 A blessing wrapped in a hurtful remark! If you groan with all creation, DO THIS!.....A RELINQUISHMENT you will want to read about!Read Now Greetings, my friends!!!!!! Our God is not subject to time, so His divine clockwork should never surprise us.....but it always does, anyway....& I think that brings Him joy. This is how divine clockwork works! I marveled in the last blog at God's Providence among the members of an "a" family. This family is from what is prob one of the most Gospel-hating tribes in their religion. A mere .01-.02% are Jesus-followers. You can do the math. ANYWAYYYY.......about 4 days after posting the last entry, that "aerialist bro" (AB), who either defies physics, has earned special favor w/angels or both.......(depicted below in that familiar viralworthy pic......EXAMINE AGAIN CLOSELY, FOLX....IT AIN'T ALTERED) added punctuation to what I thought had been adequately punctuated. (Yeah......talkin' about THAT guy ^ again.)
Said all that to say: A stunning development has developed! But first: The backstory for those who may've just started reading these....Immediately after the "a" family moved into AB's home, a lady who attends Church w/him began teaching English to the women. She now spends most of her free time w/them.....Like many of us, she struggles w/weight issues. Meanwhile, the young man in that family who was apprehended for a non-violent crime seems to continue toward Jesus! Read on..... The young man said to our plus-size sister, "I was watching pastor _____ on his Youtube channel & you walked across the platform. The video made you look REAAAALLY big. But you don't actually look THAT fat in person." OUCH!.......but.....WOWWWWW! Of course, that hurt but her sorrow was eclipsed by the revelation that he's actually watching!!!! (Who knew?) This sister essentially "does life" w/this family (to use a clichéd evangelical yawner of a phrase....but they REALLY DO IT.....consistently). Even more has transpired since then. .....God has also blessed our circle as we've watched the slow motion Kingdom birth of another A friend....(whom I call "R"....not his real initial).....We've never once pushed.....but God didn't need our help anyway because his journey began yrs ago in his host country, where he often listened to Christian radio! Then a believer befriended him in another city in this country.....followed by some believers here (didn't know each other).....& finally, us. 1 Corinthians 3:5-11 says that our roles are assigned by God as He seeks the lost. We've no clue what we're doing but we're to show up & just BE....We surf on top of some mighty waves, oblivious to the details of the undercurrents. Whoever said "90% of success is just showing up" was WRONG, I TELL YOU!...WRONG!!! It's a MUCH higher number....but our being must be bathed in prayer. Every step taken....every conversation initiated.....every question asked....was 100% our friend's (of course, lit by the Spirit)...... The markers of R's transformation became more compelling when he volunteered that he has frequent nightmares after reading the Word at night......We told him that they were from satan, who doesn't want to lose him. But, guess what I'M doing about THAT??? I've learned to redeem the inconvenience of the aging process w/quick prayers for him when sleep is interrupted....usually 3+ times nightly......(Hope that's not too much TMI....LOL..... EVEN IF IT IS.....can u endure a bit o' poetry? Hmmmm? Ahem: My prostate makes me prostrate for the redeeming of his dreaming! Nyuk nyuk nyuk! Full disclosure: I don't REALLY physically "fall prostrate"......unless getting back into bed is "prostrate".......) For a long time, I've likewise prayed for other friends trapped in that religion to have dreams & visions. (Joel 2:28-29, Acts 2:17) Hallelujah! Rejoice w/me for that annoyance & its valuable Kingdom application! As we groan w/all creation (Romans 8:18-27), we can slip in a few prayers! He's been doing better, but last Sunday, he, along w/me & 2 other buds spoke a formal relinquishment of his former religion & its oath. He google translated the following phrase: I took my vow. I can't be rejected by anyone. Wow.....Not sure if he's read John 10:28-29 or not, but he gets it! For more blessings (but less insults), letting God pick our roles & "getting up" more at appointed times if necessary!..... ......Just another witness to His Glory! Hiya folks..... In the last blog, I marveled at our fresh & unexpected growth. W/little effort, great stories of glory are popping everywhere. The pic below of "Aerialist Bro (AB)" is classic. You've probably seen it before. He's hosting a family from a country where the democratically elected gov't was overthrown a couple of yrs. back. The patriarch & several members of their ext. family fought a good fight & now live here....For some context, the insurgency came from their tribe....& I'll bet they fought cousins. Very resistant to the Gospel, Joshua Project divides them into 2 groups: respectively .01% & .02% evangelical. There's been a tragedy but God is working....A young man from this family got in serious legal trouble a while back. He was jailed for a few months but is out on bail.....He & others in his family are now curious about Jesus. 1) While in jail, AB sent him a Bible in his language. He read a lot of it & asked many theo questions when AB visited from several hrs away on 2-3 occasions. 2) Clueless about this, the young man's father asked to "look at"....(drumroll) A BIBLE! YAYYYY!!! He "looked at" it. NEVER RETURNED IT! (Not that AB wanted it back.) This sprang from a question he'd asked AB about why Americans say "hi".....which turned into a discussion on Eastern customs. NEVER forget. The Bible is Eastern! 3) His daughter was later seen reading it! 4) The young man's uncle asked if he "could take a look at" his Bible! He gave it to him! This incident has sparked law enforcement toward more candid discussions w/new arrivals. Marriage in their tribe between preteen girls & 30-40 yr old men is normal. Yet more disturbing is the prevalent rape of boys, often seen as women in rural areas. Males are only seen as men after puberty. This seems to parallel women being kept indoors. There's no context in many places for platonic friendships between the 2 genders. The Gospel can transform this. Pls pray against this demonic activity. We want justice but also what's best for him. They're not mutually exclusive. Prison is likely & that exp. could achieve both ends. Pray w/us that the Spirit moves....that salvation comes to the entire ext. family! We serve a God Who speaks into darkness w/results. (Genesis 1:2-3, John 1:5, 2 Corinthians 4:6). People often ask, "What is the 6 degrees of separation"? The concept is that we're all 6 or fewer connections from everyone on earth.....but nothing matters if we're not connected to the Father via Jesus. (John 17:22) .....& we've been praying for a "house Church" to sprout from a business owned by a believing friend from the same country as the family I just mentioned. We've been discipling him when possible but he has numerous challenges as chaos is normal for newcomers. Late one eve, he suddenly called the very moment I'd given up on meeting w/him. He sent us the address of an elderly man for whom he'd recently done work. This man had initiated w/him about Jesus. Impromptu fellowship!!! Turns out he's a pastor from yet another country whose language our multi-lingual friend also speaks. He said the pastor reminded him of his uncle! He's been bringing him to his shop, which is a PERFECT place for a Church!....as his customers are 90% foreign born. Who knew? It's only important THAT but not HOW this sprouts!!! Below is a pic of the little chapel in a spare bedroom in the pastor's apt. Social calls are welcomed but we've hesitated to go & just "hang out" at his shop....Americans don't do that. I felt God say: "The 'ministry of presence' is needed". Wherever we go, the Spirit is w/us. We need to receive hospitality. So, I've also started bringing his new "uncle" over there....Its more about BEING than DOING!
For more appropriate climbing equipment, letting God be God, hanging out...and the nations...... Just another witness to His Glory 3/14/2024 The divine command to bless......and a film about the global flood that you should see!Read Now Hello, folks..... Genesis 12:2 describes God's call on Abraham's life. God blesses Abe & then Abe is promptly commissioned to bless. Now, this divine mandate has come down to us. Abundance is given so that we, as image bearers, may likewise bless...just like our Heavenly Father. This verse is first & foremost about spiritual blessings....because the spiritual world precedes the physical world in both time & preeminence. There's endless joy in blessing new arrivals (Leviticus 19:34), but the other 1/2 of our agenda is blessing American believers by bringing them into this joyful work. I love seeing others grab a piece of the action.....Many have stepped up w/new ideas which never even crossed my mind. It's so awesome seeing new facets of ministry sprouting up w/more spiritual Gifts being used. However, spiritual blessings aren't fully expressed until material blessings are woven in. Never mind what they told you...You CAN take it w/you (your $) to heaven. (No, not talking about the pukeworthy "Prosperity Gospel"....but an honorable calling to help drive redemptive history.) In 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, the Macedonians gave out of their poverty. Here, we see money, which historically carries a curse, transformed into the spiritual realm! So, if "the love of $ is the root of all evil" (1 Timothy 6:10), would it be a stretch to say that cheerful giving (2 Corinthians 9:7) launches it from death to life into its own "resurrection"? Our highest earthly calling is charity, not Church "buildings". While buildings aren't expressly forbidden, they're never commanded or even mentioned in Scripture.....However, Matthew 28:19 IS commanded & costs $.......Malachi 3:10 is often used to argue that believers should give 10% to their local Church. But, that is applying OT Law to the NT. Besides, the Levitical priesthood is obsolete, Churches don't have granaries & there's not even a Temple.....& if we were to give a true OT "tithe", it'd be 23%.....ON BALANCE, a well-paid full-time clergy IS legit (1 Corinthians 9:9-14)...& we are commanded to support them (Galatians 6:6). But, the truth remains: the Great Commission has been replaced by many "great traditions".....& they often distract from the divinely appointed tradition of our Abrahamic calling. In the Perspectives Class, we learn that America (as a whole) spends more $ on Halloween costumes for PETS than goes for the GC to ALL unreached people groups combined. Upon hearing this stat, I was alarmed. Perspectives radicalized me. I took this & other concerns to the next level. I don't claim to have ever yet given out of my poverty. However, for the last few years, my primary offering focus has strategically shifted from the local Church to fulfilling specific needs. Then, COVID fast-tracked my refocus as it became abundantly clear how quickly pandemics can render buildings useless....so, w/the same % that I used to put in the offering plate, I now help new arrivals w/their family members who are still stuck in various places. That amount, which isn't exceptional, is adequate to support a refugee family of 3 in a "10/40 Window" country every month......Periodic unexpected extra financial blessings have bought that same family passports & life saving meds for an elderly woman. It once cancelled someone's rapidly mounting debt & bought warm clothes for another. After the fast season is over, a friend in another city whose wife & little girls arrived just 2 weeks ago will be getting a special day out w/them at an amusement park! Even small amounts of $ can be spread more widely under hard conditions......As there is often a sense of shame attached to charity, I always emphasize to friends who receive gifts: GOD LOVES YOU! YOU ARE MY FRIEND! YOU ARE WORTH IT! Giving this way in lieu of conventional means brings more cheer to the whole blessing experience for me! --------------------------------- Please go see this film! It will show in hundreds of theaters all over the country ONLY on March 20 & 21!!!!! https://noahsflood.com/ For carrying on Abe's tradition, going to the flood film and the nations....... Just another witness to His Glory. Hello, friends...... Before starting, my apologies that the website apparently wasn't secure. A few folks pointed it out & it's fixed now. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ever scratched ur noggin, saying "why do some folks act like 'THAT?'"......It's natural to project our life experiences on others. After all, its the way we've come to understand the world. However, while functioning this way is not inherently "selfish", we'll continue echoing in our chamber & will only understand our own tribe unless we start taking steps to discern context. Understanding other world views can be done w/o sacrificing our convictions. Non/anti-Christian worldviews can even give us a deeper appreciation for what we've been redeemed from. Like Paul at Mars Hill (Acts 17:16-34), we're called to build bridges & become more conversant w/other worldviews. I'm on a learning curve, trying to get into the engine of what drives others....hoping to walk in better empathy.....because dealing w/sorrow is a window into someone's worldview. Behavior is almost always connected to one's upbringing. In the 90's, I started & ran a work for African American kids in gang dominated areas. Diving in head first, (the best way) I got a crash course on human nature & began seeing why gangs form & a lot of other reasons "why".....One night, I walked in their shoes as I found myself in the midst of a tense confrontation. (I'm about to be VERY vulnerable here & show my naïvete. But I've learned a LOT since '99.).....One night, some kids I didn't recognize were waiting for Rico, one of my Bible club kids, when I pulled up to drop him off. I felt uneasy & should've kept driving, but he wanted to get out & talk to them. Big mistake. When he opened the door, an argument ensued & one of them began punching him as he leaned against the passenger seat of my truck. Suddenly, another smashed my windshield w/a whiskey bottle he found lying in the street…….It all happened so fast. Pulling Rico in, we sped off. For a few minutes, I....FELT....WHAT....THEY....FEEL. I even had a brief impulse for revenge....but of course, remained silent. One of my other boys called later that night, reporting that he saw one of them lift & subtly display a gun from his waistband. Sadly, Rico was eventually killed in a drive-by shooting a few yrs. later......Gangs are like micro-nations, struggling for urban domination, where the police rarely do more than quickly drive through & turn a blind eye when something happens. There's no excuse for any of this but it all begins to make sense when one becomes acquainted w/the conditions they live in. Very little favors their success. Would we have done any better? It's very noteworthy that Rico had once told me privately in a moment of sheer honesty that nobody actually "liked" the gang life but it was about survival. It's so sad & ironic that his method of survival played into his death. This is generational. His father had introduced that lifestyle. Our human condition is universally shared. The only thing dividing us is that some have had their buttons repeatedly pushed.....Then, eventually, those buttons start pushing them. Short of a spiritual intervention, increasingly desperate and/or odd stuff will spill out of hurting people in ways that nobody understands......not even the victims. Except for the Grace of God, we'd do no better. The phenomenon of honor-shame culture in what I call "that other Abrahamic faith" is probably the most extreme form of pushed buttons. Adherents to this faith go as far as feeling guilty for illness & physical limitations because they presume that a vindictive God is making them pay for their sins. But, didn't Jesus' disciples think like that, as well? (John 9:1-2).......This perception of God & internal social pressure arguably makes their religion "the world's largest street gang" due to its resemblance to gangs as we've come to know them. Both phenomena lack authentic brotherhood. Even moderate expressions of this religion demand loyalty & respect, enforce strict codes of conformity, have a sense of unity & power....& claim to protect their own like a family. More radical sects use violence to advance their agenda. Conversely, the way of the Cross advances via kindness. And the way of the Cross has ALWAYS been about receiving people who differ from us. (Acts 8:26-40)...... Christians can have a diversity of plausible views on immigration, but none of these views should impact how we personally treat the newcomers we encounter in growing numbers. (Leviticus 19:34) We must separate our politics from our missional calling because perfect love drives out fear. (1 John 4:18) One system says, "it's us against the world". The other says "go into all the world". Below is one of my favorite songs.....People Need the Lord by Steve Green: https://youtu.be/1uZcGaixMhg?si=ZqeIARAoC3FBElWI There are 2 prayer gatherings that I'd like to mention.....On Wednesday mornings, we have a weekly in-person meeting which focuses on refugees. The other is the 24/7 "Global Family Prayer" zoom. If anyone would like to know more about either one, please contact me. For Acts 17:16-34, empathy and the nations, .......Just another witness to His Glory 12/27/2023 Dealing w/post Christmas blues, Saint Nick the boxer & how this all relates to Kwanzaa.....Oh yeah....& that Incarnation thing.....Read Now Greet'n's 'n' salutations from Branta-Claus, everyone!!!!! 1st things 1st, lemme indulge in my 2 stupid "Christmas" "trads", although belated.....1) Santa Claus says, "Ho, Ho, Ho. But, Branta-Claus says No, No, No!" Just gotta say that every yr! 2) And here’s that silly sweater again! You may ask, "Why are u so hard on the old guy?".....Because Santa's the REAL grinch who's trying to steal the show. BUT!!! I just heard something about the real St. Nick that made me chuckle. Church trad says that he slapped Arius the Heretic at the Council of Nicea in 325.....Nice-uh? Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk! True or not, I think Santa needs a makeover! Me thinks he should park his sleigh, sell his reindeer, hang up that dumb red coat & put on some boxing gloves! Time for some new trads! More on the Incarnation in a bit, but Branta-Claus isn't done w/his “b-rant”. Most scoff at Kwanzaa. It’s just a Black Panther's contrived cultural patchwork forged from a hatred of whites. Kwanzaa words are all from East African Swahili, but African American heritage is West African. Kwanzaa also appropriates & repurposes Jewish menorahs....but that's no flakier than what the Europeans did. They turned Roman Saturnalia into “Christmas” & highjacked the JEWISH story of the Incarnation into a European narrative....(that's why Christianity is widely seen as the "white man's religion"). Jesus is no more Euro than He's Martian. He was Jewish!!! Christmas trees. Nog. Yuletide. Mistletoe. The rotund & ubiquitous Santa Claus. Blah blah blah....all Northern European concoctions. This is a great video, especially for the post-Christmas blues: https://youtu.be/C-QHbpYjuIg A guaranteed antidote to post-Christmas blues: Don't celebrate in the 1st place if you don't wanna! LOL. Romans 14:5 says it's no doctrinal no-no to just say no to the pressure if you've had enough. No dogma. But too many are held by others' demands for a day which He never even commissioned. Your freedom in Christ lets you choose which trads (or none) to observe. However, if the Lord grew weary of His own divinely appointed feasts (Isaiah 1:14), I doubt that He likes Christmas pop-culture. Make no mistake.....I love Incarnation hymns even in July. And I go to missional Christmas parties....However, God likely uses us most when we INCARNATE on highways & byways, gathering w/non-Christians in THEIR comfort zones. (Matt. 22:9-10) Jesus Christ is the ULTIMATE Incarnation, but we incarnate collectively as the body of Christ! (1 Cor. 12:12-31) THE Incarnation & its resulting corollaries were my deepest reflection in '23. Some of the corollaries I see: 1) The Holy Spirit incarnates through us (1 Cor. 3:16) although our dying bodies can't interact w/a perfect Maker w/o the new birth. Worse yet, our spirits died in Adam & are hostile to God....(Romans 5:6-8).....As we can't do squat to make things right, it's all Divine love incarnating Grace through us.....(Ephesians 2:8-9) & the same kind of Divine love shared inside the Trinity from eternity past. (John 17:21-26).......2) How we reflect the incarnation inside of us via the light of Jesus within us (Matthew 6:22). And in the aforementioned 1 Cor. 12:12-31.....3) The corporate Church (Ephesians 2:19-22) is an incarnation.......4) God's Word is an incarnation as Kings & fishermen alike were among the authors of the 66 Books. When the Spirit moved through their various writing styles, trustworthy documents were rendered. (2 Peter 1:21, 2 Tim. 3:16)......5) Our prayers, when unified w/His Will, (1 John 5:14-15) are the incarnation of God's Spirit on our lips.......6) He incarnates His Divine Will through human history, bringing about His prophetic agenda through obedient people, but also even using the wrath of men to praise Him....(Psalm 76:10)....Speaking of wrath, did you see the wrath of this parliamentarian in the "T country" who recently cursed Israel & keeled over??? Died 2 days later....If you haven't seen this, watch it!.... https://youtu.be/ZT24MDvxHkI?si=knERb5s2hGVCmTXp So, the Incarnation isn't just bound to chronological time, which will come to an end someday. It's all of the above & more. For Romans 14:5, the Incarnation(s) and the nations…….. .......Just another witness to His Glory time in a refugee Church in a S.E. Asian city, where there are actually a total of 2 "A" Churches...5% of the "A" people in that city are Jesus followers! Only a few yrs ago, there were only a few thousand known believers in their home country. We stand on the shoulders of many great people who sacrificed their lives for what we see today. (For the record, I've never even been to their home country)......Something is astir among people who were born into "that other Abrahamic faith" & it's getting the attention of the Western Church. I'm told the world’s largest "I" Church is in Germany, w/2,000 members. The following is the summary of the sermon I simply entitled “11:11”: INTRO: I like easily remembered verses. I want to talk about one of my favorites today, Romans 11:11....one of my main meditations. I’m excited that many of you leave soon but also excited how God will use you! You’ll never forget this verse because you will relate...... Romans 11:11: Again, I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. (NIV) A LITTLE BACKGROUND ABOUT THE BIBLE & ISRAEL: God could’ve revealed Messiah suddenly, but the Bible is unlike other religious texts. The holy book of "that other Abrahamic faith" was written in 30 yrs by one author. The Bible moves slowly….like a relationship….because our God is relational. He chose to tell a detailed tapestry of stories (which only a Sovereign could tell) through 40+ authors over 1,500 yrs in Hebrew, Greek (& a tad of Aramaic). The evidence is internal......So, starting in Genesis, Israel was formed for God’s Glory & producing Messiah. He protected & guided her from external & internal opposition. Rather than humility, this favor inspired pride……Like Joseph, who flaunted his status as the favored son in Genesis 37, they didn’t care about the neighboring nations. JEWISH NATIONALISM: Even in the post-resurrection NT, Jewish believers tended to reject the gentile believers. In Galatians 2, Paul rebukes Peter for being influenced by Jewish pride. A few yrs later, Romans 11:11 shows God navigating their national pride by saving gentiles. HOW THIS APPLIES TO YOU: Similarly, I believe that God has raised you up to not only be a witness among your own people but to also cause jealousy in the Western Church....Don’t be shy! Americans won’t hear me because of the bad testimony from the Western Church. But many will listen to YOU because your stories are fresh…..also because so many Americans think that people from your country tend to be terrorists. CHRISTIANITY IS AN EASTERN FAITH: Remember...the Western Church isn’t your Cornerstone!....JESUS IS! 1 Peter 2:4.....Moreover, the Bible is an Eastern book!.....Christianity is an Eastern faith!....You are Eastern people! Most of you are new believers but I guarantee you have a better understanding of the Bible than most Americans. You haven’t been to seminary……but as people who come from your culture & former religion, you have a more accurate knowledge of ancient Jewish culture because of everyday things you know, such as agriculture, drawing water from wells, circumcision, tribal conflict, washing the dead & the diff between men & women! Also....you grew up actually believing in God! A NEW APOSTOLIC AGE IS UPON US: I’m excited because when you go to nations like Australia, Canada & America, God will powerfully use you!.....Don’t be shy! The Holy Spirit is with & in you! Just like Acts 1:8 all over again, I believe that signs & wonders will happen among you. Like Acts 2:17, I believe that God is about to start His work all over again! TESTIMONY.....A WOMAN FROM YOUR COUNTRY INVITED ME TO CHURCH!: One clear example: On April 10 of last yr, the “I” community had their annual picnic, wrapping up the New Year. Since I was transitioning to serve your community, I almost didn't go. I didn’t expect to meet anyone from your country. My thought was “I can’t do it all & keep up w/both communities!”, but felt God nudging me.....5 minutes after arriving, my language teacher asked, “Would you give a lady from the "a country" a ride on your way home?” I was shocked, because in my city, your people & I people don’t mix......Getting in my car, she immediately pulled a stack of fliers out of her purse, handed me one, & invited me to HER Church for Easter service that next Sunday, clueless that I was a believer!....I asked, “Excuse me, you’re a believer in Jesus?” She nodded “yes”. Two weeks prior, she'd walked past a cross in a cemetery. She’d been experiencing a lot of grief & prayed, “Lord Jesus, please help me.” That very night, He came into her dream & she accepted Him! She’d been attending a Church for a year. Her son had become a Jesus follower in Europe & had encouraged her to find one....As her Church was extremely legalistic, I invited her to the I Church. That didn’t work out as they meet far from her home. So, she started attending an American congregation & was baptized on Easter Sunday this year. Get this: She has partial Jewish ancestry, which dates back to the Babylonian exile! I recently relayed the nutshell of this story to the folks at a Christian conference in which believers from your country meet annually. The folks were blessed & stunned! Then in September, this woman stood & prayed at an event where many from your country were present! So, this is already happening!.....Btw, what I see here in your Church is wonderful. A & I people fellowshipping together in the same language. Ephesians 2:14 THE SHAMBLES OF WESTERN CHRISTIANITY: God isn’t just rescuing you from a refugee status, but sending you all over as Gospel agents & witnesses of His Glory to the shambles of the Western Church....such as the Church of England......The Anglican communion is worldwide. In Africa, India, Southeast Asia etc., the Church is loyal to Jesus. In America, Canada, Australia & England, WHERE ANGLICANISM STARTED, its mostly apostate & a lot like this balloon........Like Israel in Romans 11:11, they became prideful & racist, liberal & even ATHEIST sometimes!......Like this balloon, they became prideful (I blew into it)……& more prideful (blew again)…….& more prideful (blew again). Finally, God said ‘’ICHABOD”. (I let the balloon go & it flew around, hitting the floor. Later, I gave balloons to all the kids.) The believing Anglican Church outside of England recently formed a new alliance & severed ties w/Canterbury, forming GAFCON. It was REALLY satisfying to hear that some of the conservative Churches in Britain & elsewhere left Canterbury to join this movement, now representing 85% of the Anglican communion. IN CLOSING: When you go to the West, you must form alliances w/your bros & sisters in order to survive but pls don’t forget the #1 reason you’re going! God is rebirthing the Western Church through you!!!!!.....Remember: Wherever we go, we are strangers & aliens. This is not our home! 1 Peter 2:11 And never forget: YOU ARE THE 11:11 GENERATION!!! -----------------------------------------
I also visited the lady I hope to marry in another S.E. Asian country. While there, I suggested to the pastor of her Fundamental Baptist Church that we do a youth “map event” at a community center.....After using maps to find a destination, we can find it w/our "heart map". In the same way, the Word of God must be stamped in our hearts. Psalm 119:11. Our 1st meeting was Sunday night & I offered to buy raffle prizes as a gift to the Church. (In lieu of offerings to a local Church, these are the kinds of things I now support.) But, I wanted the Church to get creative & add their own cultural flavor. My only rule: Church kids can only come if they bring an unchurched buddy. In less than 24 hours, we met again. I was VERY INSPIRED! They’d already appointed committees & had everything organized/delegated! BIG cultural difference. They have a sense of community. We have……..politics. 106 kids came, but sadly, I was in the hospital. However, this actually, in an odd way, filled a desire I’d expressed yrs ago while working w/inner city kids......to organize an event & not show up....to let the other adults run the show without me! For the 11:11 generation, our “heart maps” & the nations…….. Just another witness to His Glory.
Hey all…….
Today, I’ll introduce a friend who outsmarted the insurgent movement in her country after they almost forced her into a marriage to one of their leaders. Rather than you read what I have to say, I’d prefer that you just listen to this remarkable young woman tell her story. She’s a believer in Jesus now & is moving back to our town after living briefly in Chicago. She’s written a book & is looking for a publisher. I’m quite convinced that there will also be a film someday. Please be advised that this may not be suitable for children as she mentions being gang raped. Also know that her definition of women’s rights is not in tandem w/the modern radical notion of feminism, but it is rather a simple plea that women be treated w/dignity as fellow human beings. She strongly opposes abortion & same sex marriage.
For more redemptive stories like this……and the nations…..
Just another witness to His Glory……. 10/2/2023 Fish jumping in the boat....The Cat is out of the bag and He's the Lion of the Tribe of Judah!Read Now
Howdy, Howdy!!!!
Ever seen fishermen get out of da boat to wrestle fish on board? Neither have I. So, why do so many try to badger unbelievers into the Kingdom (on an animal theme today! LOL) & not just let the Spirit do His Work? (1 Corinthians 1:18-31) Usually, fish are attracted by lures & bait but the new normal is that, of late, some are jumping in da boat w/o prompting! (Mark 1:17) Ya gotta see this: It's not advised to invite m people to trad Churches. Lottttta culture shock. Home studies are best when there is interest....but when they self-invite, why not? It's also good for American congregants to watch one morph into the Kingdom from another world view. As insiders, they have much to teach us after coming to Jesus. Although self-inviting, I always select seats where they can sit next to an aisle so they won't feel "trapped". A friend from a country dominated by "that other Abrahamic faith", whom I'll call j (not his real initial), recently said that he'd been visiting Churches! So, I invited him to come w/me to a Church where a friend goes. I'll soon stop going so j can see this Jesus thing as bigger than & w/o me. What if I move? Die? Have a falling out w/him? Fall into sin? It was never about me, anyway! Besides, networking & visiting a lotta Churches was always the plan. As more fish jump on board, they MUST be spread over many congregations.......because when they encounter each other, they stop coming out of fear. Navigating many fishing vessels on this River of Life will be imperative. If they invite family & friends, then great! Let it develop organically! At all costs, we must protect their "Amanats".......(Amanat is a term in the m world describing what's most sacred to a close friend, whether it's a thing, person or secret.) Their religion is the world's largest street gang & secrets are paramount. Know that mere inquiries may get them rejected by their communities. So, let's regard their Amanats.....because m people will tell YOU what they'll NEVER tell the most trusted in their communities. J's bro, a baptised believer whom I'll call n, is a refugee in a country just east of their native land. The lion's share of my giving goes to n & his family. I do believe in financially supporting pastors (1 Cor. 9:14, Gal. 6:6), but don't agree w/the standard rendering of Malachi 3:10, which surmises the "storehouse" to be the NT Church. We're not Israel & pastors don't have grain storehouses. N's wife needed a $1,200 medical procedure & I gave them $600. 3 days later, n texted to say that the embassy of their homeland suddenly opened in their host country & they were able to buy 3 much needed passports at $200 each! (At first I heard $150 but they were $200 each!) No more threat of deportation! Bribes are now pushing that cost to $1,300 each!.......We're called to be the hands, feet & wallets of Jehovah Jireh! In other news, God is also on the move in the life an "a" woman who invited me to HER Church! She evangelized ME the 1st time we met! One of the 10 Days of Prayer took place at a local refugee ministry & this sister prayed for about 5 minutes in the presence of many from her own country! WHOOOOOOOAHHHHH! The Cat is outa da bag & He's the Lion of the Tribe of Judah! Pardon my digression, but I'm in a giddy mood & can't resist the opp to share one of my corny phrases about fishing......"If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. If you teach a man to fish, he'll never go to work". For more fish, less badgers, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah....and the nations...... Just another witness to His Glory Five of us attended the A Christian conference recently. It more than doubled from '22! Security concerns prevent details I wish I could share, but know that GOD IS ON THE MOVE THERE in ways you'd not believe!!!! Word has been getting out via tech because the WORD is going in via tech! I always travel around after conferences, so I also visited a town I'd longed to see. I got hungry late one night & my only option was a nearby bar, so I ordered some chili & ginger ale at the window. In the line was a half drunk guy who asked about my "Areopagus shirt", adorned w/a famous poem. (Context: Acts 17:16-34...emphasis on vs. 23 & 28.) I responded, "It means 'if you are unwilling to forsake all for that which you supremely love, you deserve nothing'......A bit like the Pearl of Great Price in the Bible. Ever read that?".......I was stunned at his detailed answer! A divine appointment was soon on display because God was speaking. Then, I was utterly floored when he started relating other Scriptures w/great agility! When I told him what God was doing among the a people, he teared up. He'd seen a video on how a Christian NGO was helping people in that country & was greatly moved. He confessed, "I've been saved 3 yrs. I'm drunk & shouldn't be here.".....Pointing toward a crowd, he continued, "And I'm in an immoral relationship w/that woman. I want God to help me. He's been dealing w/me & I believe tonight is the night." Providence is SO unexpected. I said, "K, tonight your life changes forever."
We've been in touch. The next few weeks were a battle as he deleted & blocked numerous numbers she'd called from. Then, he ran into her unexpectedly. He gave in & went to her apartment, where he found something left lying around which saved him from falling again.......It's been good getting to know him as I tend to be the Prodigal Son's older brother & sometimes have little patience for prodigals (Luke 15:11-32)....but God is working on me. Pray for him. Pray for me. For poems, Providence and prodigals come home.......and the nations...... Just another witness of His Glory Hey, ya'll...... Your's truly is truly tech inept. Learning how to use this website has been a challenge. I hope to enter more and shorter entries in the future. Someone asked "Hey, what's 6 degrees & shrinking, anyway?" It's based on the idea of the "6 degrees of separation", which states that w/few exceptions, we're all no more than 6 social connections from everyone else on the planet......Impossible 50 yrs. ago, when most lived in small towns. Travel & the internet have opened up our shrinking world. Some photos are absolutely timeless & take on much more dimension when you know the person in them.....Such is the pic below, which I sent last Sept. & may send periodically for yrs. to come just to make sure the guy hasn't fallen yet! Upon closer examination, I noticed last night that there is a State Farm insurance agency right across the street! You can't make this stuff up! Classic!
4) Finally, the aerialist bro (I'll just call him AB) in the photo ^ had his life radically changed after accepting a request from their cousin's family to move into his house! Matt. 7:7......(I'd just been intro'd to AB 2 weeks prior!) This man grew up in the deep country, had never personally met a black person until college....& THIS was his 1st close encounter w/people from that faith!.....God threw him in the deep end as their tribe is one of the most conservative people groups in the world from that faith! The ladder pic is a fitting metaphor. It seems he's made no missteps, relying completely on the Holy Spirit. About 3 mos. ago, the young man (who initiated the request for his family to move into AB's home) got in trouble w/the law for an alleged non-violent act. But God is moving. AB eventually found a Bible in his language & sent it to him while he was in jail. The young man's father also started a conversation w/AB & that resulted in AB gifting yet another Bible to him! Then the daughter was seen thumbing through it! AB is a man of many talents.....He performed this Brandon Lake song called "Gratitude" live on Facebook after the daughter heard it & the young man was brought to tears as he watched it. At least 5 people from their country gave a "thumbs up"....including 1 of the very conservative patriarchs of their clan!!!!! THAT'S HUGE!!!! You can view the video below: Here is a thought we could all be praying about: If this very large family were to become Jesus followers, many members of that violent anti-democratic movement could theoretically be reached through them by a couple of degrees of separation! Some of them could possibly even have cousins who just wound up on the wrong side! Their connections here & there are vast!
For expanding the authority of OSHA, hoping the world shrinks another degree.......and the nations..... .......just another witness of His Glory 6/23/2023 A new website. What's even more distressing about the Mormons. Branta-Claus goes to a Yegovah's Witness Kingdom Hall.Read Now Hello, all...... Great things can happen when solid believers talk faith w/folks of other backgrounds. Even if they never "convert", their questions drive us to our Bibles & prayer. Looking at other systems helps w/critical thinking. This develops the art of apologetics & verse memorization.
Driving onto the lot of the LDS church where they host a LARGE English class, your's truly counted 25 cars. The polytheism, of which we are accused by people from "that other Abrahamic faith", will be confirmed in their minds as being central to all Christendom when LDS theology is explained. Yikes!!!! More workers are needed! John 4:35 The lack of salt & light is why cults grow like fungus from uncorrected error. The Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witness) is such a group that is so close yet so far. I've befriended an elderly JW man who lives on what is essentially a Kingdom Hall "parsonage". Our 1st talk commenced w/a discourse on their structure. In a vulnerable moment, he noted w/dread the tedious records he was required to keep for a few yrs. as ''circuit overseer'' over 14 congregations. One thing we know about folks under the Law.....they live by law & accolades.....So, before initiating doctrine, I commend them for a few things despite our differences......their dedication & care for people......that they often exceed Christians in modesty & racial recon....(They don't just talk about integrating. They just are.).....& that their tight community builds every Hall w/volunteer labor. Impressive. Preaching duties rotate, so they stay alert.....if they only had a true Gospel! By partitioning themselves, they've become an unreached people group, withdrawing from all who affirm Jesus' Deity. By any standard, their evangelism stories are accounts of mere mechanical recruitment & lack passion. But he was stunned (as I still am) when I told him of my divine encounters. He busted a gut upon hearing that (for diff. reasons), "Branta-Claus" also eschews Christmas. "Santa Claus says 'Ho Ho Ho'....Branta-Claus says "No, No, No!'" He giggled like a little kid! I've actually come to enjoy his company. He's not so rigid. Verses proving Jesus' Deity: Zechariah 12:10; John 1:18, 5:18, 9:38, 20:28; Philippians 2:5-6; Colossians 2:9, Hebrews 1:8-9....& many more by cross reference & inference.....Verses proving the Holy Spirit's Personhood & Deity: Acts 5:3, Hebrews 3:7, Romans 8:16. JW's are sneeeeeaakky. Ya gotta watch'em! Their main source is the deeply corrupted "New World Translation" (always suggest the KJV. They mainly read it before 1950!) My friend is a 50+ yr. veteran & has agility w/other versions. His best argument was the seeming separation between the identities of "God" & "mediator" in 1 Tim. 2:5 (KJV). "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus". Isolated, this can be twisted to mean there's 1 God---And then 1 man. I confidently told him, "I don't have every answer but right doctrine is never established by 1 verse." (Acts 20:27, 2 Tim. 3:16.) We're not called to results. Only Mark 16:15. Their #1 tenet is a claim to know the true Name of God....Jehovah....(a good Name but not the only One). We agreed that God had explicit instructions on everything Temple related & it was curtains for the priest if he fumbled (nyuk, nyuk, nyuk. If you don't get it, read Ex. 26:31-37). Having established that, I asked why God's proper Name is Jehovah in English & Yegovah in their Russian NWT (many variations in other languages). I told him that, by his standard, we're ALL in trouble.....nobody seems to know how to correctly pronounce God's Name! PLS consider attending JW conventions when they come to your town. JW's are very welcoming to outsiders. If you go, please don't go w/an obvious agenda to convert people, but let the Holy Spirit move. Be a student willing to learn the patterns of their faulty system prior to countering them. For good doctrine, more field workers & the nations....... .......Just another witness to His Glory Greetin's 'n' salutations to all! Romans 11:11 mentions Israel being made envious by the Gentiles coming into the Kingdom. Something similar currently seems afoot as the most unlikely are upstaging every status quo. Unlikely characters are replacing lukewarm & apostate Western leaders. More than in its entire existence, major movements have been leaving "that other Abrahamic faith" which I avoid naming directly. As the Western Church recedes, the Church in other places grows......I call this "the 11:11 Principle". I'd love to saturate the believing Western Church w/this concept. We seem on the cusp of a Church movement among "a" people. We're facilitating 3 separate Discovery Bible Studies w/seekers who came by divine appointment. 2 were already definitely believers. Unprompted, the 3d recently declared himself a Christian in my home but lacks a lot of understanding. He's like Cornelius in Acts 10:1-8. In vs. 4, Cornelius is generous to the poor. My friend (whom I'll also call "Cornelius"), likewise proved his generosity as he housed & fed a new refugee for a month---inspired by various American Christians who‘d helped him. This paradigm shift, along w/the Perspectives class, has radicalized me & reordered my giving habits. The day before an anti-democratic movement took over his country, "Cornelius" was nearly broke & his brother had no food. I volunteered $100. Although difficult, he doubled it & wired $200...enough for 2 months. Cornelius' bro & his wife became refugees in a country next door & they were saved last summer....(I sent baptism pics recently w/faces obscured.) They're now being discipled in a Church! That was the best $100 I’ve ever spent! My "tithes & offerings" now supports them. Seeds for a local Church that is about to bloom........Another friend is very angry w/‘’the rich oil guys’’ in his faith because they hoard their $ while millions of recent earthquake victims in his country remain in dire need. Christian generosity gets broad circulation in their spheres. Let’s open our s & wallets!.......Cornelius said that his bro had vowed to repay me ASAP. I told him, "Repay me by never forgetting the friends you'll leave behind until they're also safe”. When God blesses you, be generous to the needy & seek multiplication opps. (Matt. 14:13-21). It's the Starbucks drive-through thing writ large. Pay for the guy in back of you & spread Kingdom vision. May I recommend 2 more Kingdom buck bangs?.....There's a local Crisis Pregnancy Center which often gets matching grants, sometimes up to 5X ! (Because of the nature of this website, I'm trying to maintain not only personal anonymity but also endeavoring to identify the city I'm in....So, if you know me & are interested in knowing more, contact me for details.) Also, Bible Broadcasting Network, which has 147 American radio stations, approx. 100 Spanish stations & internet in 8 languages. $11 mil. annual budget....150 full timers. These are the kinds of causes I now support as I'm convinced that we won't have our buildings for long.....but we'll also be out on the highways & byways where we've not been present enough. Just as home is the new workplace, the future Church will be based. Wouldn't it be great if some of these empty buildings became centers of service? Where there is a lack of vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18. For years, most of Global North Anglicanism & its American sister, the Episcopal church, has lost that vision & been plauged by extreme liberalism as the Global South leads by example. There are even acting Anglican clergy in the UK who are ATHEISTS! I'm all giddy about the video below...... https://youtu.be/XEzlyFT0J3U At the risk of overkill, below is a screenshot from the site of an apostate ''church''. At least they're honest about how they prioritize "loving God". For Romans 11:11, buck bangs & the nations.... ........Just another witness to His Glory Lotta ketchup!
We took an "a" family to a farmer's mkt. in late Oct. Dad rode in the front of my vehicle. Mom w/kids in back. Their nosy little 3.5 yr old rascal was climbing all over & began "exploring" my assorted mess in the back. He found my stash of "d" & "p" language BIBLES & gave 1 to his mom. (I guess every lil’ munchkin wants his mama to read him!) Perfect chaos! Like a fish w/a coin in its mouth! (Matt. 17:27.) Lord Jesus, send more nosy rascals! She read it aloud.....& continued, so I gifted it to her. Then we began teaching them English the next week!.......*People from the "other Abrahamic faith" believe that babies are sinless, only acquiring sin over time. So, their children (mainly boys) often go unchecked & can be little tyrants. Your's truly was in S.E. Asia for a few weeks. Vacation & some ministry. Lot's of prep & then going. Then I went to a DMM conference. That's why I've been silent. On Christmas day, Branta-Claus took da pulpit at a refugee Church in one of those countries.... (Did ya ever see THAT coming ?). W/lots of prep & grammar coaching from the pastor, I preached in the language, relying heavily on notes, but my confidence was boosted when he encouraged me to ad lib. It apparently worked out ok. My connection to all this was an "a" Christian in this city who attended that very Church while a refugee. (We're discipling him.) I’m running & not getting winded. Isaiah 40:31. And the Wind is at my back. By God's Grace, I’m full of Wind. But by the same Grace, I hope I'm never full of hot air! On Saturday, 11/22, I flew out. “Randomly", my Airbnb host was a past Superintendent of one of the districts of the Evangelical Free Church! (Most of my formative yrs. as a believer were at an E-Free Church. They emphasize doctrinal freedom & autonomy within the confines of Verbal Plenary interpretation.) 5 mins. upon arriving, a fellow guest of South Indian heritage walked in, striking up a conversation w/us. I asked the meaning of his name. He said it was a Hindu concept meaning ‘’Courage”. He grew up in that religion but said he was "investigating Christianity"! Courage was disheveled & eccentric yet warm & gregarious. He paced the floor, rambling. Adding intrigue, the host had nearly expelled him for smoking dope in the basement....Also divine: I was originally to meet an i friend for Church 45 mins. away but he had to go away suddenly on a business trip. So, instead, "Courage" & I continued our dialogue the next morning over breakfast. We looked at Colossians 1:15-17, which destroys pantheism. I told him, “This table isn't part of God. But an Omnipresent God juggles its atoms by His Will & is intimately present, yet not confined by space!" His eyes got moist when we looked at Jesus' Baptism in Matt. 3, where the entire Trinity is present. It was the 1st time he'd seen a personal God. Then we went to a solid Church nearby. We talked a couple times on whatsapp while I was gone.....but I thought he'd blocked me when my calls started immediately disconnecting. Fortunately, he called the other day w/a new #......He said he'd gone to a United Methodist church (very liberal) last Sunday but rather than get into a debate over gay marriage, (which he avidly supports), I just encouraged him to not attend any Church....but, for now, to just have DMM studies w/me & an Indian DMM worker in his town who works full time w/South Asians. (Perfect timing as I'd just met the guy at that DMM conference!!!!) He got Courage connected w/a DMM group right in the heart of that city's Indian community! ------------------------------------------------------------ While the entire world is completely immersed in politics, divine appointments like these ^ are the things that get me up every morning. I ignore the news now because I've caught both sides in so many lies! The Bible never lies! America isn't crumbling because of politicians, but because most of the Church stopped worshiping. Lately, I've been meditating on Psalm 33:16. Let's be honest. Short of an awakening, does it really matter who's in office? We’ve replaced pursuing God w/the conquest of partisan majorities. Replaced Gospel engagement w/debates on temporal issues. Replaced James 1:27 w/hirelings. Via politics, Democrats hope to achieve justice. Republicans hope to reclaim morality. But it all dies w/o revival. Trying to solve spiritual problems w/politics is like someone drinking sea water to quench a thirst that can never be satisfied. $16.7 billion was apparently spent on the 2022 election. Imagine if that money were spent on Kingdom stuff! For more nosy little rascals, all seekers of truth, DMM and the nations!...... ........Just another witness to His Glory 10/30/2022 A very Providential and timely gathering, a burden removed and celebrating all things Jewish!Read Now Hello friends…. On 10/1, we threw a party for a family that we've been loving on. It took place on a farm owned by someone who helps us teach English. Our friends slaughtered 2 of his sheep according to their faith custom & we had a trad feast. The original invite had been made 3 months ago, but when the Ancient of Days prepares celebrations via Ephesians 2:10, divine appointments follow! (For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do!) Then we go fully incarnational into the world! Recently, I mentioned our friend who'd fought the bad guys in his country. He was notified by the U.S. gov't that all his checks during Covid had been written by mistake & he had to repay a large sum. The "aerialist bro" (AB) who's hosting his family pled for his mercy in a letter, which proved indispensable. Then, an attorney friend, (another on our English class team), also offered help w/another attorney friend. The deadline had already passed!!!......This was due to many changes of address & long work hours. We lifted the problem to Jesus & our attorney friends took on the gov't. Stunning how a committee just so happened to review the case 1 week before the party. Unanimous nays except for 1. That 1 person persuaded the other committee members to do the right thing! So, we had a reason to celebrate beyond celebrating friendship.....which is already a good enough reason! Thx to all for praying on this! Our faith was not sourced out of Europe, but the East. So, my curiosity about Christianity's Jewish roots & Eastern thinking is intensifying. The ancient Eastern roots of our faith actually resonate more closely to their cultures. Gospel workers in early pagan Europe rightfully contextualized for their audience, but we now need fresh bread! The Eastern narratives need restoring so Jesus' Gospel may take root in a way more organic to them. We, in the American Church, (inc. your's truly) are usually underinformed about all that is Jewish. I'm on a quest to discover Messianic contexts. Here is an entertaining video which explains Rosh Hashanna...... https://youtu.be/1AuMXq5sHDw Moments after the 1st slaughter, our host commented on the animal's silence & reminded us of Isaiah 53:7......"He was oppressed & afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth...." Another noted that Rosh Hashanna (Jewish New Year) had just passed. Of course!! How fitting! When our friend's burden was lifted, he was celebrating new beginnings, whether he celebrates RH or not!....I'd never before heard the Hebrew term "Akedah" until seeing the video above. Constant w/that theme, I'd like to think the juxtaposition of the slaughter & our friend's debt/subsequent debt relief took on new dimensions that day. At the beginning of this blog is a pic moments before his son did the slaughter, which was his first. Our friend was the chef....he sealed the lid w/bread dough! Amazing technique!!! Continuing w/the Jewish theme.....
"Tabernacle as One" went on for several days in a local park in celebration of Sukkot. On 10/14, I brought a friend from the "a country" who'd met Jesus in a dream & received Him 2 weeks before meeting me! What's more compelling: She has some Jewish lineage & sometimes went to Jewish celebrations as a child! (Clueless that I was a believer, this is the woman who immediately invited me to her Church for Resurrection Day service the first time she met me!!!! She now attends the i Church.) So, taking her to the Friday night Shabbat dinner was a bit of a homecoming for her as this feast focuses on nomadic themes & God dwelling among us! Please for her son. He's in a camp in Europe & was being threatened w/deportation. But it appears that he has just cleared that hurdle....but keep praying! For more Providence, debt relief, all things Jewish & the nations! ..........Just another witness to His Glory Hey, y'all..... About 4 yrs. ago, I invited a man from the A country who spoke almost no English to trade language lessons. (For safety, I'll call him R but that isn't even his initial.) The forever THEME is KINGDOM but my custom is to always follow my friends as they initiate/stop spiritual dialogue. R gradually revealed a curiosity about Jesus. Then he revealed that he often listened Gospel radio while living temporarily as a refugee in the country next door! Matt. 11:15 Fast forwarding to the night before the anti-democratic movement took over his country, R told me that he was flat broke after all of his bills & that he had no $ to send his brother (whom I will call S......also not his initial) & his family......(this is a real source of shame for people in that religion who live here.....as their relatives often presume they're rich). Like so many in his country, S had lost his job & was soon to face hunger due to imminent food shortages. I volunteered $100. Then, R determined to stretch his budget & match that. He wired $200 that night. The family had enough to eat for quite a while! In early July, R asked me to teach him the Bible! (We've been getting together w/another American friend for DMM studies & help w/his citizenship test q's.) Then, a few weeks later, he told me that S (who'd recently fled to the country next door), had "taken a bath"! Recently, I was able to find them a safer place to stay through a Christian org. We will keep sending him what he needs as long as needed. I'm a tightwad & want to get bang for my Kingdom buck. My level of generosity is not astonishing......but very strategic. I'll never claim that the $100 was THE thing that brought this man into the Kingdom, but I love being part of the Lord's ongoing story! Below is a photo of S "taking a bath"! His wife also took a bath! R is waiting on his visa to visit his bro in that host country. Wouldn't it be awesome if S gives R a bath when he visits??? S's host country is also a hard place for believers. In memory of Ali: A brother in the Lord, Ali, suddenly passed on September 6. He'd left that "other Abrahamic religion" 5 or 6 yrs. ago. Providentially, I was in the middle of a DMM study w/R on my back porch when I got the call. Breaking my rule, I seized the rare opp & initiated questions. I asked him if he were ready to meet God.....He said, "I'm 80% sure because of my good works". R is a very good man by human standards, even housing & feeding a recent arrival in his basement free of charge for 2 months. I asked him to imagine what would happen if S came here w/o exchanging the currency he's been using into dollars.......& then trying to pay for something in a store w/it....I said, "In America, you have to use dollars, right?" He agreed. I told him that God also has a diff currency for entering heaven & does not accept our good works in place of it. We then read Isaiah 64:6 (....our righteousness is like filthy rags) & Isaiah 55:8-9.....(For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.....etc.) I also told him, "Just as you want me to remove my dirty shoes when I come into your house (their custom), God wants us to take off our dirty shoes when we come into His. But, it's actually much worse. We're 100% dirty!" He said, "I think about 50%".....I said, "Ok....50%. So, can I come into your house w/one clean & one dirty shoe? If I have money for your brother & insist on putting it on the kitchen table....without taking off my shoes when I come in......that would insult you, right?" Pray for R. So close to the Kingdom. Below is a video of Ali's testimony. He was eulogized by an odd but compelling assortment......A couple of well-groomed people who looked like nice Church folk & a former heroin addict in a t-shirt (who's also now a nice Church folk!) got up to speak. There were maybe 125 in attendance & the pastor asked people to raise their hands if Ali had ever shared the Gospel w/them. About 40 hands went up. Later, the pastor told me that his sister had requested that nothing be said against his former religion......but that when Ali "took a bath" in front of the Church, he went off script & boldly RENOUNCED his former religion!!!!! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PDxlgwhGicF_YsDNuyrYXzFikihmCxy_/view For more English lessons, spiritual baths, redeeming sorrow.....and the nations..... ......Just another witness to His Glory 9/4/2022 The aerialist bro----in the tradition of Harold Lloyd....(This pic should go viral. Seriously). Small beginnings yield big surprises.Read Now Hello, friends..... On 3/26, 4 friends & I launched our 1st English class in the home of a family out of whose tribe rose the insurgent organization. Obviously, there was a special hatred for that organization as the patriarch fought in the resistance. He's forged from 1001% pure grit. After a partial leg amputation & prosthetic, he was back on the field, facing the enemy again! Had they been caught, they'd have been slaughtered. One of his many other health issues was an abscessed tooth, leaving his left cheek throbbing in swollen pain. 1 of our friends mentioned a dentist who'd "likely extract it for a nominal fee". Taking this hero to his appointment was a high honor. We got that sucker yanked 2-3 days before the season of the fast, making that time more bearable, I'm sure. Soon afterwards, some folks from another ministry asked on a zoom if anyone knew a dentist. The good doctor now does 2 procedures weekly for an 80% discount! The ministry schedules everything & pays the balance! A friend whom I'd only met 2 wks prior also joined us. His nickname is Aerialist Bro....or "AB"....(I'll explain). A cousin of the family (whom I will call M) was there that day & became our liaison. AB & I texted M, offering to buy him dinner so he could tell us how we could best serve them. A few days later, M was apparently unaware that he was on the group text when he asked me, “Would you ask AB if my family could move into his house?” I replied, “You’ll have to ask him”. I texted AB, “I did not put him up to this!”. He later called to say, “I’m actually praying about it.” Wow! He'd already bought another house & contracted to sell to a fellow Church member, who, in turn, gladly released him! 4 other profound confirmations! Then M's family of 6 moved in! Despite minimal previous exposure to people from "that other Abrahamic religion" & a rural childhood, AB is a DUCK TO WATER. No missteps to my knowledge. God is moving in amazing ways. One of his fellow Church members comes to his house & teaches English to the ladies 2-3 times per wk! She wears a long dresses & a head covering, so she's seen as their "American sister". They've already initiated spiritual q's. Pray for her as she navigates! AB has also never made any "missteps" while doing home maintenance! (I don't know why he didn't just use the "tight rope" which was already available right underneath his feet. Seems far more practical than messing w/a ladder!!!!) ^ He's taken up the mantle of & been coronated the new Harold Lloyd, (the renowned stuntman of yesteryear). After numerous requests, he agreed to teach a class he’s calling, “Keeping dry feet whilst running Aquatic Marathons”. (Matt. 14:22-33). In the fine tradition of St. Peter, we start next Saturday by taking baby steps across the river! In many ways, he's living up to the reputation of the aforementioned metaphorical duck!!! QUAAAAAAAACK!!!! LOLOL ^ Harold Lloyd: A Romanian friend also joined us that day. I told him, "Not important that English isn't your 1st language. You speak way better English than they do." A special brotherhood has formed as they resonate in their past & current hardships. He lives about 50 miles away on a farm & we're invited for a big day in the country! We will slaughter & roast 1 of his sheep & have a potluck on Oct. 1. On a subsequent visit, we went over to teach & the patriarch had enough bureaucratic disability paperwork strewn out on the floor to make the avg. American scream. (No furniture...we sit w/them on the floor on pillows.) Oh well, Providence struck again! A lawyer friend who just so happens to be on our team was there & knew just what to do. Contrary to public opinion, not all lawyers are liars, but it's hilarious because when people from the A country mispronounce lawyer, they say "liar". "Do you know any immigration 'liars?'". LOLOL. He's also handling a situation w/the federal gov't., which claims that another former soldier "owes" them $21K. This man regularly received checks from America for his service in his country. Soon after arriving, he was notified that our gov't. made a "mistake" in sending that money during Covid!!! Another Christian lawyer friend has teamed up w/him to help!
(If anyone can offer any kind of pro bono services for these folks, let me know.....) And we need English teachers! For more English classes, more Providence, more OSHA agents....., Just another witness to His Glory. 7/29/2022 Been a minute, but I'm still in the saddle! What a switcheroo!!! And, to think.....I almost didn't go!Read Now Hi, All! Been a minute! Been busy w/personal stuff.....but the scope of my work has only amped up. This new website, "6 degrees and shrinking", refers to the increasingly smaller circle through which we know every human on earth. The Spirit, by His Providence, is making my circle smaller & smaller & smaller! A pastor recently encouraged me to say: These stories are to pump up the Church. No experience needed if the Spirit commissions you! (Isaiah 6:5-8)....Look at the 12! Disasterpieces made into masterpieces! The New Year in the I country is 3/21 there & 3/20 here. The preceding Wed. is a celebration where people jump over fire & say, "Your red health unto me.....my yellow (paleness) unto you." Despite sourcing the practice from their ancient indigenous religion, it has some redemptive hidden Temple/Gospel themes when properly cultivated. Modern fire temples still house perpetual sacred flames tended by priests---fire/water are symbols of ritual purity in much the same way they're symbols of the Holy Spirit & purity in Judaism & Christianity. There are other Jewish Temple parallels. Similarly, Resurrection concepts can be related to their Spring-themed New Year. In His Providence, God prevented false religion from getting so polluted that contextual bridges for His Glory can't be built. Ex: Paul on Mars Hill. (Acts 17) Although there are less than 200K modern adherents to this religion, many identify w/it in a nationalistic resistance against the regime. I wouldn't be surprised if "Jack be nimble" somehow has ancient roots in these practices. https://youtu.be/HbJpNcFRioY The season ends w/a picnic 13 days after the New Year. Since "A country" people are now my focus, I nearly skipped this yr. But the Spirit must've prompted, 'cause I went! I didn't expect to see A people (bad history between them)...but my language teacher introduced me to M (not even her real initial) & asked if I'd take her home. (She lives near me.) As I started up my car, she pulled a flier out of her purse, inviting ME to HER Church for Easter! She had no clue I was a believer. Our DMM team is praying for her community.....so...why am I surprised? Her son became a believer in a Euro camp & suggested she find a Church. (It's possible he may be sent back. Pray for him.) She'd gone to Church for 1 yr but encountered & trusted Jesus in a dream 2 weeks prior! She only had an English Bible, so I stopped by my house to get her Bibles in her 2 languages. Now connecting her w/many believers. BTW. Her grandma was Jewish! She's from a city w/a long Jewish history, dating back to the times of the prophet, Daniel.
There's more! So, rather than go to her Church, which is legalistic, I took her to the I Church that next Sunday. Another friend, a Christian student from the I country, had decided to just give up on his friends after an awkward spiritual chat w/them. BUT, 1 of them ended up self-inviting to the I Church for Easter service! Pray for a DMM on the campus!.....Just to think: I almost didn't go to the picnic! I met a young man named L (not his initial) & his parents at Church sponsored ESL class. He brought his mom the next week. He asked for a Bible although "it's only literature". Not a bad start! His holy book, which is comprised of one book, is dictated by an illiterate man whose violent verses contradict earlier peaceful ones. The Bible is A LIBRARY OF 40+ AUTHORS w/a wild variety of backgrounds! Shepherds/fishermen/kings, etc....a physician, 3 murderers & a fig picker ! Written on 3 continents over 1,500 yrs, it cross references & references the Cross! No wonder people from "that other Abrahamic religion" are curious! While fishing, we're not to get in the water & wrangle the fish into the boat, but let the Spirit do His thing! Matt. 4:19, John 21:11. In other news, it's encouraging to see how a group of 12 radicals have formed true New Testament community in an apartment complex & live among 15 or so families from the "T country". This was planted by Launch Global....And it "just so turns out" that some of these "T" folks are the same ones from the community whom we were already engaging in our interfaith discussion group! Who knew? ....... There are 2 other families who practice that "other Abrahamic religion", at least 2 Mormon families & 4 young Mormons who have dedicated this part of their lives to furthering their beliefs. Many have expressed interest in Church or Bible studies!! We need help prayer walking in the A neighborhood & teaching English. Please contact me if interested. Lastly, I'm a big supporter of Crisis Pregnancy Centers. Although I ignore the news these days, I'm aware of the infant formula crisis. (I guess its still going on.) I decided to start buying it whenever I'm at the grocery store. I encourage everyone to do this. Don't forget to save your receipts so you can get a tax write-off. I hope this catches on. For going when the Spirit says Go!, the mysterious tapestry of Scripture, DMM, CPC's , and the nations .......Just another witness to His Glory 7/29/2022 How a subtle form of Animism is corroding the American Church. A friend TAKES COMMUNION!!!!Read Now Hello, my dear friends..... This entry belatedly celebrates Sanctity of Human Life Sunday/Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Both are centered on human rights issues. It's quite fitting that the recognition of both occurs on the same Sunday. Good Churches celebrate both w/o political agenda. My emails will never be partisan because issues are spiritual before they ever turn political. Btw.....I tuned out the media long ago. I REALLY hope you vote like I do but for the sake of your conscience before God, I am more concerned why than how you vote. I just hope that you’re not a "Christian Animist" & hope your faith in Christ informs/guides you. Imago Dei ethics are ultimately anchored in eternal truth, not the political earth. How many Churches rant on pet causes but avoid truths uncomfortable to them? It mostly comes to the same old city VS. county divide. We can maintain party loyalty but must proclaim all truth if we're going to be truly true. May both political parties again stand for what is decent & good! Since few of us would rationalize racism, this email will focus on abortion. I will say this 1 thing: Had the greater Church--urban & suburban--done ACTUAL Gospel work in the black community, there never would've been BLM, which lacks a moral compass. The vacuum of the Church has been filled by BLM because we've mostly talked about talking. Lots of emoting/voting/showboating but little service worth noting. No right to complain. D. James Kennedy was great when he preached the Bible but he pushed my last button when he "preached" that "Revival has come to America" when the GOP won the '94 midterm election. This was part of his perpetual "Reclaiming America for Christ" rant. He had an animistic bent. But so does most of the American Church!!! When both the Evangelical right & left hope that their candidates will deliver some kind of spiritual awakening, they are already sliding into Animism. I'm "anti-wing" & prefer the dove of peace (Matt. 3:16). Animism doesn't discern matter from spirit. It's a fusion/confusion of the 2....But, since the Spirit of God precedes creation, 1st things should remain 1st. Likewise, most Christians confuse Church & State. As His Spirit precedes matter, our politics should be INFORMED & YES, EVEN CREATED by His Spirit. And in the same way that good works won't save us, neither will voting w/"conviction" do anything to "tweak" our righteousness. Secular arguments for the strict Separation of Church & State are downright wicked & smell like smoke but there is a balanced historical argument which is sourced from Christian logic. The animist views material stuff as holding spiritual entities/properties. They carve fetishes from stone, wood, etc. & Presto! A god of their invention. (Exodus 32:24) Their foolish hearts are darkened......& God gives them over. (Romans 1:21-24). Selah. That should ring a bell as even many of us think we can redeem ourselves w/good government in D.C. If the Ark of the Covenant failed when the Israelites fetishized it (1 Sam. 4:1-11), we shouldn't think that the Constitution or our favorite "righteous" member of Congress will help if we are not worshiping the true Liberator, Who is Jesus! In the same way, I am convinced that there are people who hold pro-life & pro-Israel views, not because they fear God, but because they are afraid of Him & how He is about to destroy America. We should stand for truth "merely" because it's true. If we don't, we'll have a mere form of godliness. (2 Timothy 3:5) What is needed is another Great Awakening. Look at these shocking stats: This is a pro-life song from Kerry Livgren, formerly of the rock group, Kansas. He became a believer several yrs ago. I think it's my favorite by him:
https://youtu.be/1tTLD7rQOXI Despite politics competing for our passions, the Gospel still advances. My nephew became a believer recently!....Ever searching for icebreakers w/my "A" friend whom I call R (not even his real initial), I seized upon the moment & told him that my nephew would be baptized soon. (There are also water rituals in his religion by which adherents have a sense of spiritual cleansing before worship....so there is context.) I told him how rare it was for adults to become believers. (He's 2 years older.....I'm his "kid uncle".) Now, I never invite people from "that other Abrahamic religion" to Church. But, when they self-invite, I encourage it! And that's what he did! He said he'd only seen VIDEOS of baptisms. (Hmmm.....seen videos?) And when the Lord's Supper came 'round, he took a cup from the tray. After I explained the meaning, he took it! He even knew where to put the empty plastic cup afterwards! (Hmm......knew where to put the cup? ).......I think he might be in the Kingdom.....but I don't probe. My Heavenly Father is teaching me patience (& how to be a detective. Nyuk nyuk nyuk!) For the unborn, keeping spirit and matter distinct, having the eyes of a detective and the nations. ......Just another witness of His Glory |
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